40k RTT Registration - April 5th

Games Workshop

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We're still firing ITC tournaments at Top Tier Board Games! Here's our RTT for the month.

Basic Info

Entry is $20 + tax to our 2000pt tournament. No paint requirement. We will use the Pariah Nexus Mission Cards update to tournament rules. Rounds will be timed and last 2 hours 50 minutes each, and we'll have a 1 hour break for lunch after round one. Terrain will be pre-placed according to GW's layouts.

Code of Conduct/Tournament Rules

When time is called, players will have a 10 minute overtime to finalize the score. During this time, dice may continue to be rolled only on the current round. New rounds may be discussed verbally only (e.g. "this unit will move here and score this objective") - any actions that would require dice rolls cannot be taken. At the end of 10 minutes, a score must be reported.

We will be enforcing the FLG Code of Conduct linked below for this RTT, with particular attention paid to player interactions and decorum. We expect all attendees to exhibit a high level of sportsmanship and will issue penalties as described in this document to enforce that.

Additionally, all models played in this tournament must be a minimum of 50% genuine Games Workshop product. Alterations, kit bashing, and 3D printed modifications are all allowed, as long as the model is still 50% GW, is roughly the same size and shape as the original model, and is mounted on the correct base size. Counts-as models must be approved in advance - please contact us for approval. 

Lists for our events at Top Tier must be submitted no later than 9am the day of the event. Failure to submit a list by the deadline will result in a yellow card as defined by the FLG guidelines linked in this description. 


$15 from each entry will be put into the prize pool to be paid out to top four with 14-16 players, top three with 6-13 players, or top two with 5 or fewer players. We'll also have a giveaway to a random player of store credit for a GW item. All participants will also receive a 15% discount on any Games Workshop and Citadel products for the day.

Links & Final Info

There is a cap of 16 players for this tournament.

Best Coast Pairings link:

NOTE: You may register on BCP without paying, however ONLY prepaying in store or on our web store guarantees your place in the tournament. Those who sign up on BCP but do not prepay WILL NOT be guaranteed a spot in the tournament.

TO - Andrew Davis

Entry: $20 + tax
Start: 10am Saturday, April 5th
Format: ITC RTT 2000pt Tournament / Swiss
- Store credit paid out to top finishers (top 4 for 14-16 players, top 3 for 6-13 players, top two for 5 or fewer)
- Random giveaway for GW product of choice